How To Write Cover Letter For Upwork – 100% Proven Ways

To write an Upwork cover letter, you will need to put yourself in the eyes of your potential employer.

Writing a cover letter that stands out from the crowd can be challenging if you don’t have much experience in this field.

Don’t worry, you’ll be prepared to take on your next cover letter writing task once you’ve finished reading this piece of article.

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What is a cover letter in Upwork?

A cover letter can be a great way to stand out among your competition and get the job or freelancing opportunity of your dreams. It is a very effective way to show off your personality and talk about what makes you a good candidate for the job or the gig you applied for. It’s also an opportunity to briefly explain why you think that you’re the best person for the position.

Writing a cover letter for Upwork is one thing, but writing yourself into the employer’s frame is another matter altogether. But if you craft there is a chance to get your first client on Upwork.

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Key Parts of A Upwork Cover Letter

The cover letter is the first thing that a prospective client sees, so it’s important to get it right. Here are some key parts of a cover letter that you need to cover during crafting the cover letter:

Name, address, and phone number

You should include all three on every piece of paper that you write, whether it’s an email or a letter. This helps make sure that people know who they’re contacting and gives them ways to reach out if they have additional questions.


Start by introducing yourself and saying why you’re writing this particular letter (or email). State whether or not they know who you are and what qualifications they might be looking for in their next hire.


Explain why they should consider hiring you over other candidates, using specific examples from your experience or education that demonstrate your skill set. Also, mention any relevant work experience if you have one.

Opening Paragraph

This is mandatory as the opening paragraph shows how efficient you are in conversation with the client. In this section, you have to greet the client with some fascinating words.

Brief Description of Your Skills and Experience

You have to describe your qualifications and skill sets as this section basically represents your professional image.

Closing Paragraph

You have to write a closing paragraph in a way it appreciates the client’s gesture.

For instance, “I appreciate the chance to apply for the [job] position at your business. I think you’ll see on my resume that I am the kind of knowledgeable as well as productive applicant you are searching for. I’m looking forward to discussing my credentials with you”.

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Tips To Write A Upwork Cover Letter

An incredible introductory letter will assist you with landing the Upwork gig you need. It’s important to know how to write a good cover letter, so here are some tips on how to write a cover letter for Upwork that gets you an interview:

Keep it short

While it’s tempting to go on and on, keep your Upwork cover letter short and powerful. Instead of forcing your employer to read a novel, your objective should be to capture their interest and stimulate their curiosity.

● Think about what you’re covering in your cover letter. Use bullet points or numbered lists if necessary so that you can focus on the most important parts of your application.
● Be specific about why you want this job. If you’re applying for an administrative position at a company where several people already have the same title, it’s not clear why someone else doesn’t already hold it — which could hurt your chances of getting hired.
● Be concise with information about yourself and why you’re interested in this particular position.

For example, don’t include things such as “I’m looking for a challenging job with great benefits,” unless there’s something specific about that company that would make it challenging.

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Start with a warm and professional greeting

Your initial feeling is your first impression which is the main impression you make with your client! So make it effective.

● Your first sentence must be friendly and appropriate. Creating a positive first impression is important.
● The most important thing is to start with a warm and professional greeting, which will set the tone for the rest of your conversation.
● This can be as simple as saying hello and asking how the person is doing, or it can be more personal, such as asking how the person’s weekend was or what they did over the weekend.
● This greeting should be short and sweet, but make sure that you are still able to give them your full attention.

Get to the main point

During writing an Upwork cover letter don’t bury your message in a wall of text. The longer you let a reader spend time with your words, the more they will remember them and the less likely they are to click away.

● Keep it short and snappy. If you can get your message out in just one sentence, do it.
● Being clear as well as getting straight to the point are two very different things.
● Concise writing is about stripping away the excess, cutting out all unnecessary words. It’s about getting to the point as quickly as possible, so you can get on with your story.

Getting to the point isn’t always easy. Sometimes you just have to write down what you have to say and then add more details later. But when it comes to writing emails, blog posts, or reports, being concise is one of the most important things you can do for your reader.

Hit the highlights

Have you noticed job postings or freelance gig ads? Then you will find that they clearly mentioned the job role and responsibilities and the qualities they want in the candidates. So when you are writing your cover letter or applying for any job just try to highlight the qualification they searching for in the candidates.

To understand this let’s take an example –

Suppose firm A has a requirement for a freelance software engineer with expertise in software testing.

Most freelancers apply simply by just mentioning their qualifications and experience. But if you really want selection then try HIGHLIGHT your skills.

They clearly mentioned ‘Software Expertise’ so you should also highlight this skill in your cover letter as it will give an idea to the employer or client to know more about you.

This is not only for Upwork freelancers but if you are applying for a job anywhere these tips definitely help you to get good exposure.

How To Write Cover Letter For Upwork - 100% Proven Ways

Follow directions

To know more about the freelancer the client asks them to fill in some details in the cover letter. These details help the client to get to know more about the candidates. So if they asked you to answer some questions then don’t deny it.

Just answer them quickly on the request form they have given.

For example, if the client asked you to add your sample work. You need to follow all the instructions accordingly. You can add all your sample or portfolio link by saying. “As per your instruction, I added all the past work links and portfolio”.

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Close the sale

You need to ensure the client about your availability for work. Because if you don’t do so you will lose them and they hire others. So always respond early to ensure your availability.

Before making the deal with the client listen to them carefully in order to understand their project requirement. So that you get an idea about their project and by knowing their project requirement you can deliver your service accordingly.

Below we will be sharing some tips which help you to close the sale with the client –

● Focus on the speech of the client
This is very important as you must have to understand the speech of the client to understand their project requirement.

● Accept the suggestion given by the client
When you are discussing the client’s requirements try to accept all their suggestions. As this is a very important tip it will help you to understand what exactly they want in their project.

● Don’t show superiority
Don’t be pushy just listen to the client patiently as it will help you to understand their project objective.

Reread, edit and consider

Now it’s time to send the cover letter to the client. But before this check to make sure you provide all information which they asked for. So for this, you can proofread your Upwork cover letter and if you find any mistakes even any grammatical mistakes just edit them well and send them again.

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Hopefully, this post has brought some clarity to what should go into how to write a cover letter for Upwork. Of course, every freelancer is different, and your approach and methods will be unique to you. If anything, our advice here is just a starting point, and it should be used as a jumping-off point for your own ideas. And if you still need some extra help—well, follow the tips and key points mentioned in the article as it will help you to write the best Upwork cover letter.

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